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Smartphones and Social Apps | Premazon Inc

Smartphones and Social Apps, Most Common Apps for Smartphones and Social Media

What Adults Say About Social Media Platforms on a Mobile Device in the United States and Developing Countries Countries all over the world report using social media apps on a smartphone for both personal and business purposes. What you say and your messaging really matters to those that follow you. Adults in many countries use the internet on their mobile devices, specifically on Facebook, and say they use it frequently for business. It’s truly an opportunity for education, to showcase your brand or product. Of course, people use it for personal reasons too. You see something funny or interesting and

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Are You Making Small but Deadly Mistakes with Your LinkedIn Account?

Are you one of the 80 million (and rising) who use LinkedIn as your social networking platform? Does it seem like your attempt at LinkedIn is failing due to lack of connections? If you answered “yes” to one or both of these questions, keep reading! The potential of learning as well as displaying your business expertise is very high on LinkedIn. It is like a huge daily conference where you have the opportunity to network. Like other social media networks, the key to successfully connecting with others is by avoiding small mistakes. Today, we have included small but deadly mistakes

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Adding the Skype Button to Your Site

Do you have a website or blog where you offer and sell products or a service? If you do, keep reading. If you don’t… keep reading anyway, this might come in handy. Imagine how connected your visitors would feel if they had the opportunity to speak to you directly in an instant. Instead of leaving a written comment, they could press the button and speak with you. You can answer their questions right away, hold chat parties and ultimately sell more of your product! Skype is already known as the best service that offers internet based calls and chat or

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Making Google + Work for You

Google has opened up a “Secret Social Layer” that has turned the entire Google search engine into one big social network. It is called Google + or Google Plus… I’m still not sure about the logical way to type it out. Many critics have said Google has copied Facebook but in reality, this is not the case. The best way to describe how Google+ is different from Facebook relates to two words: SEARCH ENGINE. Google+ brings the world of social media and search engines together. (Think of them as new best friends). Have you been noticing the new social search

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Sweet 16 Tips for Marketing Your Facebook

Going to be out of the office for the day? No worries! In continuing with our Mobile Relationship series, with a smartphone your office is accessible anywhere. By visiting the apps marketplace available on your phone, you can download free apps such as Skype, Zoho Project Suite, Calendars as well as numerous Social Media dashboards. It is like carrying your office with you everywhere you go! With your Smart Phone and apps, the ability to share files, make notes, send a tweet as well as manage your schedule is literally at your fingertips. I want to provide you with up-to-date

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Skype has created a world of instant communication whether you are on the road or working from a remote office. From being able to send typed messages back and forth using IM or having a face to face conference call, Skype has near unlimited capabilities. In their eight years of being, Skype continues to add more features as well as improve communication quality. Skype continues to reach out to different types of people by making their product work for the consumer. One of it’s most popular uses is the video chat option, which allows a face-to-face conversation. In business, this

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Do you have several team members who are working on several projects? Do you often feel as if tracking the small details of projects is overwhelming? Do you find yourself sending emails or making phone calls to your team to get updates on any open projects? I would like to recommend a solution that can help “tie up” all these loose ends. Zoho Projects is an online project management software that allows you to collaborate with your team. Zoho projects will allow you to track the status of every project your team is working on, all with a few clicks.

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In today’s age of technology, working from the office, on the road or even from home is as easy as breathing. No longer does a person buy a cell phone just to make calls and text, they use them to run their business or complete job assignments. If you do not believe me, take another employee’s phone and watch his or her world start to crumble. So many business professionals depend on these devices to do things like manage calendars, to-do lists, store important documents, and notes. The days of being tied down to a computer or laptop are gone.

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