How Do I Find the Best SEO Expert for My Needs?

How Do I Find the Best SEO Expert for My Needs? | Premazon Inc

In order to determine if you need an SEO expert and how you might find one, you could begin by searching for SEO experts or SEO expertise on Google, Bing, Yahoo or Duckduckgo.

Many search engine optimization companies will appear.

But how do you hire the right SEO expert who can implement SEO strategies for your niche.

This article will go over a variety of topics to help you find the best SEO team for your needs. We will touch on how search engines work, SEO tools that are utilized, and we will sprinkle in some SEO training and terms that will help you choose the right SEO course of action best for your company.

The SEO Industry is Unique

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All businesses are unique, however, the key to finding the right fit for your business is finding the SEO expert that understands your business, your business model, how you get leads or patients or clients, what you sell, and most importantly how your audience looks for you when they search online.

SEO professionals implement SEO strategies and SEO tools with one goal in mind – help their customer succeed.

Everything is uber fast on the internet with search results appearing in milliseconds and changes happening just as swiftly.

The Google Search index contains hundreds of billions of webpages and is well over 100,000,000 gigabytes in size. It’s like the index in the back of a book — with an entry for every word seen on every webpage we index. When we index a webpage, we add it to the entries for all of the words it contains. –Google

SEO Efforts Bring Lasting Results

There are a few important things to note about any search engine optimization SEO strategy:

  • Results can be instant but most often occur over time and disciplined action steps
  • Ranking for a keyword does not equal traffic to a website
  • Every SEO expert that understand ranking factors will tackle on page SEO, off page SEO like link building, optimize content, keyword research, local SEO and finally examine other websites in your niche to see exactly how to gain multiple key terms on search engine results pages

Do you need an SEO expert?

Google describes an SEO expert as:

An SEO expert is someone trained to improve your visibility on search engines.

Google offers a free guide to educate someone on how to have an optimized site.

Google also recognizes that hiring an SEO professional can improve your site, audit pages, and save time.

It is suggested to become educated and familiarize yourself with how Google and other engines work.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO Specialist | Premazon Inc

Search engine optimization* or “SEO” refers to the process in which you use tactics like keywords, meta tags and other optimization methods to enhance your content so that it ranks well on organic search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

In past times, you used to be able to stuff your content with keywords, not really paying attention to how it sounded and you could still have better results on your page. This is no longer the case, and there is much more work involved to make the process work.

Search Engines are Incredibly Sophisticated

Search engines have gotten incredibly sophisticated in how well they crawl a page or website, which in turn has made SEO more complicated and sophisticated.

The best way to bring traffic to your site is through SEO. This means your site is attracting new visitors from content and interest.

The use of an SEO company can help a business because they are experts in all things SEO and know the ins and outs of how to get the best results for your page or website.

If you are looking for the best services to drive traffic and leads to your business, please contact us, at Premazon Inc. Our agency can help with the success of your website.

Current and past customers have been happy with the results that we have been able to provide through the use of optimization of both their pages and websites with proven and amazing results.

Why Do You Want SEO Help for Your Business?

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So how exactly will an SEO company help my business? As stated above, SEO helps your site and pages get seen on the internet.

In order to get more traffic to your website, people need to be able to access your page easily.

For example, if you are a lawn mower repair shop, when people do an organic search for “lawn mower repair in Murrieta, CA” you want to be one of the first few results displayed.

Working with an SEO agency or digital marketing company may provide a higher success rate for great organic search results and let you focus on other things that are important to your business such as the day to day tasks or an important project.

Running a business is a lot of responsibility and a successful company has many needs. If you take away some of the stress by hiring an SEO expert, you can have one less thing to worry about and ultimately, be a better business owner.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO Specialists | Premazon Inc

At Premazon Inc. our SEO expertise, tactics and methods, are proven to work.

Each SEO expert in our company works diligently to provide quality services to meet the needs of our clients and help them succeed online.

Our portfolio is varied and we begin every discovery with a consultation to determine the next steps.

Our SEO company works hard to provide the best quality local and national services for your company.

We want your business to be successful, and we believe that because we are an SEO expert agency, we can provide you with the best options for optimizing your pages and allowing your business to grow.

If you would like more information on our SEO company and you are looking for proven results, please contact us for more information.

SEO Specialists

Premazon Inc. offers an SEO expert team that provides the ultimate customer service to achieve the highest SEO results for your company .

Our services include SEO content creation, social media marketing, link building, and technical SEO. We dive into site optimization for positive results with Google and other platforms.

Our SEO marketing tactics and methods work.

We implement techniques that work so that your business can perform well online and gain the best spot in local search and maps.

We want your business to be successful.

Our SEO expert team members are committed to discovering the best options for optimizing your pages and allowing you to get more internet traffic to your site.

If you would like more information on our SEO company and you are looking for proven results, please contact us for more information.

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is what we do everyday.

To become an SEO specialist takes the ability to win – to find the secret sauce to beat out all others.

To learn how to become an SEO specialist you find out about competitors – what they are doing – and how to beat them.

The practice of SEO is not taught in SEO courses, it is leaned by doing the specific SEO tasks – over and over until results start to move in your favor.

What are the 5 Top Benefits of SEO?

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The benefits of SEO are simple.

  • Targets qualified traffic
  • Answers needed questions
  • Improves online trust
  • Allows for an amazing user experience
  • Keyword research and creating content

SEO groups on social media or master mind teams will spout that SEO is free.

SEO is free if you do all the work yourself. Digital marketing in it’s entirety is dedicated to increase traffic on websites and generate leads.

You want to harness this potential and leverage search engine optimization to benefit your business.

Organic Traffic and Ranking Factors

The SEO expert team at Premazon began SEO training years ago. One consistent metric that has been clear in all of the algorithm changes within Google is backlinks. When you become an SEO expert you learn that building backlinks are important but how link building occurs is something Google continually watches via Google analytics.

Google has minor and major changes to it’s algorithm over 3,000 times a year. These changes can be invisible or clearly seen via organic traffic that can increase or decrease based on the changes.

Ahrefs, an SEO tool that is highly respected and often utilized in search engine optimization wrote an article on 7 proven Google ranking factors.

Backlinks means link building from a great site link to your site. Link building is is the action taken to gain backlinks to your website from other websites.


To become an SEO expert in a specific niche helps with relevance. Relevance is a term used in search engine optimization indicating what the person searching is wanting. When some one does research on a topic they usually want to get opinions and definitions from experts. If buying a product a person might want to compare brands.

It is important to write relevant content and offer useful information so search algorithms can decipher through all the signs and utilize the users query (what they are asking) to deliver the most relevant result.

This is imperative with title tags and on page SEO and keyword research. To be seen is one goal, but to be seen and have someone stay on your website and your webpage means you delivered the right solution to the query.


SEO courses teach to write content and optimize said content for search engines. This is great advice, however, if you are a restaurant with a static menu and competitor is always changing their menu – the “freshness” of content will often win.

Movie theaters change their line up, coffee houses change their drinks – so there is a difference between dynamic content and static content. If you need to have query-dependent results, then your content marketing needs to reflect this.

Premazon has been writing content for a very long time and we update our blogs as needed and also do the same for our clients.


Q. What does HTTPS stands for?

A. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.

To have secure communication on the internet – this is the only way to go. This protocol was used for payment plans and transactions when it was initially created.

The way you can insure this protocol is activated on your website is by noticing the lock in the address bar.

Mobile – Friendliness

This is very important. AN SEO expert will know how to read your traffic and see what device they come from. Usually broken down in Google analytics as desktop or mobile, and even further by adding tablets and the exact model of phone.

Google moved to index mobile-first in 2019. Mobile optimization is part of the learning process to become an SEO expert. Web design looks different on desk top and mobile devices, search engine optimization and web design play an important part a successful SEO strategy.

Page Speed

Google uses Core Web Vitals to measure each page on your website.

The three metrics are:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) –

This measures the performance of your page based on how it loads. The goal is to improve the user experience by having the page load fast and the LCP to occur in 2.5 seconds to reach highest numbers.

First Input Delay (FID) –

This measures inactivity with the goal to reach FID of less than 100 milliseconds.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) –

This measures visual stability and a good user experience

PageSpeed Insights

Google has a free tool called PageSpeed Insights that will tell you exactly how a page performs and offer optimization opportunities. If you try this tool you will notice they show mobile optimization opportunities before desktop.

Intrusive Interstitials

You want a great page experience for your visitors and users. Google measures how users engage by their interactiveness on the page. You want your page to be easily accessible.

Intrusive interstitials and dialogs are page elements that are not user friendly. Instead of pop ups or images that block content, use banners within your content that spark interest and help Google understand what your page is about.

Banners will not hinder the content so both your user and Google are able to access and read your web page.

Get an Experienced SEO expert

SEO Knowledge | Premazon Inc

Partnering with Premazon, an SEO company with a team of SEO experts is an ideal path to get the results desired.

An SEO expert knows how search engine optimization works. An SEO expert who carries out various tasks for all search engines has the SEO knowledge to be successful with implementing the right strategy for your company.

Optimization is an action word through implementing strategic plans.

Someone who does not practice SEO daily, stay up to date with SEO knowledge and continuously lean new SEO skills is not an SEO expert.

12 Traits of an SEO expert

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Aspiring SEO experts find satisfaction when their SEO efforts mark a win for their client. Understanding technical SEO and how search engines work bring lasting results via organic traffic. SEO professionals who do not dedicate themselves to improving their clients will not have longevity in this field. SEO jobs and SEO practices take a certain type of personality and commitment to succeed.

Here are 12 traits of an SEO expert:

1. Enjoys learning about search engine optimization

2. SEO career has survived multiple Google Updates

3. Learning SEO technical aspects takes them to a happy place

4. Enjoys SEO groups, SEO courses and SEO conferences

5. Has moved from SEO newbie to practicing SEO to a master SEO Expert

6. Believes user intent research for mobile optimization and mobile SEO is fun

7. Technical optimization to boost organic traffic makes their day

8. SEO knowledge about ranking factors in all search engines is what they dream about

9. Follows Search Engine Journal and top seo blogs

10. Understands search intent, Google search console and Google Analytics

11. Create content for awesome web pages is part of daily SEO tasks

12. Keyword rankings are only part of SEO campaigns

Understanding Search Engines

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When optimizing your website, it’s important that you understand search engines. A search engine helps your customers locate relevant websites and web pages according to the keywords in their search query.

Google’s algorithm uses several factors to determine the relevance of any site. A professional SEO specialist must know the ranking factors and have access to SEO tools to apply keyword research to your website and your competitors.

Technical SEO Specialist

A technical SEO specialist figures out how to get your company more organic traffic and more importantly – the right organic traffic.

Technical SEO will look at each of your pages and go over the basics like theme of the page, on page SEO, and how each page contributes the other web pages on your site.

Link building is an internal and external task. It takes SEO expertise to drive certain pages to the top.

Most SEO specialists will build external links and keep writing content – put if you do not optimize content and implement SEO tactics you will not get results.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves mobile usability, site speed, structured data, JavaScript, and all the mechanisms that influence how a website works. These factors play a role in how well a site ranks in the SERPs.

While SEO doesn’t typically need hands-on coding, having knowledge of programming languages can help. You can more accurately estimate the lead time a web dev team will need to make any changes you ask for, and provide technical SEO service better.

Title Tags

All search engine platforms utilize title tags.

In choosing your SEO course of action it is important to note that when possible, your url name for the page will usually match the theme of the page as well as the title tag.

Page Ranking

How your web pages or website ranks is determined by what is called the SERPS or search engine results page.

A page that is highly ranked in the search engines is more likely to have great results and traffic. With good search engine optimization your page will rank well in the search engines.

To measure how well your business website is ranking, you will need to make sure you have thought about which search terms you are targeting. Your SEO expert will to check the SERPs (search engine results pages) regularly for those search terms to see where your web pages or website appears.

To become an SEO expert in your niche you will need SEO training. An SEO expert that is working for you will share what they can about the SEO industry.

When searching for your own keywords or web pages remember to search the terms from a private browser. Search marketing is always changing and you want the fresh results when you search.

We always recommend dropping your cache and searching from within a private browser window. In chrome this is called in incognito mode.

SEO and Visibility

Page visibility means how prominently a business page or website shows up on the SERPS. Search engines have a variety of features that goes further than a list of ranked pages. A well executed SEO strategy will help you take advantage of such features.

Google My Business, Google Ads, and Google Maps are great examples of additional features that offer an opportunity to be seen and visited by a user.

What is Organic Traffic?

The phrase “organic traffic” is used to describe the users that land on your page or website by the results of “organic” unpaid search results. Organic traffic is the opposite of paid traffic, which describes the visits that you get when you buy advertising from a third party like Google Ads.

Visitors who are considered organic find your website after inputting a query of what they want to find in the search box of their preferred engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, or Duckduckgo.

When tracking how someone landed on your site, you can see they came to you via a search paid advertising.

What is SEO Marketing?

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SEO marketing refers to the search engine optimization services within your digital marketing plan. Using specific optimization strategies within your plan and analyzing the results is a great way to set baselines.

A good SEO expert begins with really diving in and understanding your website and its established baselines, so they can begin to improve results.

What does an SEO company Do?

You might wonder, what does an SEO company do? An SEO company will help you raise your online presence and develop SEO strategies to improve your business. This can be phone calls, forms, purchasing products, setting up appointments to name a few.

It is relevant to understand that some agencies will help you with more than just SEO and can provide you with other services that can be helpful such as: social media posts, content marketing, email marketing, pay per click campaigns and much more.

When you hire the right company to do this complicated work for you, you can focus on running your business and spend less time on trying to learn SEO or become an SEO specialist yourself.

Using SEO to Optimize Your Website

It is important to build a strong and optimized architecture for your website. An SEO expert can also offer web design work or will work with your web designer to create clear navigation that will help your visitors find what they are looking for from within your website and the search engines.

This will also help to provide each visitor with a great experience of using your site and encourage them to continue to visit your site. It’s worth it to consider that sites like Google are increasingly paying more attention to user experience and that it can potentially get you more customers to your website.

The Need for an SEO Expert

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SEO is more than just the need to use the right keywords on your website and web pages. You want to make sure that your website is being found with the right search terms to drive visitors.

Looking at the whole picture is what is important. An SEO Expert must ask the hard questions and will determine the answers.

Questions Every SEO Expert Should Ask?

One – Where are you now, where do you want to be?

Two – Where are your competitors and can you beat them online?

Three – What will that take to win and are you willing to do what it takes?

Search engine optimization needs the right website optimization to include all of your content, keywords, links being used within your site and externally, social media platform content, and regular blog or article posting.

How to Get Your Website to the Number One Spot on Google

This question is tough because there is no definite way to make your website or web pages reach the number one spot on search engines like Google.

There are techniques that focus on SEO strategies that can help you rank better, and the more time you spend on investing in your SEO strategies the higher likelihood you will get good results.

The way that search engines find websites is based on content that is obtained by “crawling” and “indexing.”

Crawling refers to a little “bot” that goes through your web pages and will read your content along with performing an analysis of the data that was collected.

Based on the data that they find, such as the code and links within the page, they determine the quality of a site and therefore rank it in the search engines based on these studies.

Understanding these details are what separates an SEO expert from the rest in the SEO industry. Being able to optimize a web page, have it indexed, and then continue to improve said page takes SEO knowledge and know how.

Finding the Right SEO Company for Your Business

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You are probably asking yourself what makes a good SEO company the right fit for your company. What services will you need from an SEO agency?

Make sure that you find an SEO company that is reliable, and that they understand all the aspects about SEO, SEO content creation, and how to properly use digital marketing to help your business. The security of your information, website and content matters as well.

Studies show that having an agency that specializes in SEO will bode well for the success of your search volume with sites like Google.

Some of the things that you want to consider when hiring an agency and SEO expert include:

How long has your business been around?

Do you have some success stories or can share examples of your previous work?

Do you follow the Google guidelines?

Do you consult with staff on how to work together to approach search engine optimization services?

What are the most important search engine optimization techniques that you use?

What kind of results do you expect to see, and in what timeframe?

How do you measure the success of each client?

What is your experience in my city or country in the U.S?

What is your experience with international SEO?

What is your experience in my industry?

All these questions are important when considering hiring an SEO specialist.

If you have a question for Premazon, just ask. We are happy to set up a consultation to discuss our strategies with you.

How do I start a career in SEO?

The key to become an SEO expert is gain SEO expertise. Google has a specific guide to optimize websites and there are many SEO courses that are offered.

A great SEO course can be found online and some will offer a certification upon completion.

To learn SEO is the place to start. There are SEO jobs available via common job board sites. Most employers will base compensation upon experience.

Starting a new career can be hard, however, it might allow attendance at SEO conferences where you can meet others.

How Do I Become an SEO Specialist Without Experience?

It is easy to become a SEO professional by simply obtaining skills in your niche.

Basic SEO skills once acquired allow everyone to build a website and begin to se what works.

Test and learn

Most of the best SEO experts share a common trait: they always test.

It would seem that testing what works and what does not work is what eventually drives traffic and helps the web page improve in the rankings. I

How you can do an effective SEO experiment?

Put SEO skills into practice. Build a website. Add the website to analytics and search console. Verify your site for both search console and maps. Then write an optimized piece of content.

Part of understanding how search engines work is learning about indexing. One your page is is indexed you can begin to test what it will take to overcome your competitors.

What is “SEO”?

SEO Experts | Premazon Inc

SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization. SEO efforts optimize websites to boost the SERP’s this term is an acronym for search engine results pages.

Understanding basic SEO techniques is part of a successful digital marketing plan.

How do I Become an SEO Expert

SEO tools are not exclusive to SEO professionals.

It is incredibly easy to learn SEO.

Learning is easy – it is the applying and becoming an expert at mastering the search intent and to consistently practice SEO to see what works and what does not.

Applying SEO efforts daily is the makings to become an SEO expert and hopefully a successful online marketing professional.

How do I Become an SEO Specialist?

Since search optimization is becoming a sought after profession, y0u can usually find an SEO course at a college or university.

Becoming an experienced SEO specialist means understanding and being ably to apply SEO tactics to a website including off page SEO.

Develop a Portfolio of Projects to Showcase Your SEO Work

Your skills can be developed in a way that continues even after your training. If you are already an SEO professional your portfolio and reviews might be the most valuable aspect of your resume.

Optimize Your Own Website to Showcase Your SEO Skills

Your portfolio shows some great examples of your work. If you really want to demonstrate your SEO skills add the list of techniques and SEO tools used on your own site.

Showing where your site began and where it is today is a great representation of your SEO prowess.

How to Gain the Most from Search Engine Optimization

Learn how to improve traffic as a signal of authority to search engines is a great place to start. Remember search engine optimization is a practice and profession that is applied with skill and mastery to achieve optimal results.

Grow and Practice

SEO skills are a piece of learning digital marketing.

Once you learn how to apply your skills, you can advance to monitoring results.

Ranking factors are important to test. Google keyword planner is an easy tool to see what people are searching for in a specific area or location.

Understanding the user intent and comparing a clients website to other websites in their niche becomes a formula to begin to inspect all technical aspects of competition.

Implement, track, and monitor results begins the process of creating a successful SEO campaign.

Learn basic SEO techniques

Once you master the basic SEO techniques then you are ideally able to master more advanced areas of SEO. Learn how search engines work and from there the terms and tasks will become familiar.

Find and Choose Keywords

Keywords are of absolute importance. Understanding the basics of keyword research is the foundation to become an SEO expert.

Content Marketing

It is not advisable for an SEO professional not to learn content marketing techniques. You can rank in the search results even if you do not have great content.

We have seen people rank a page with just random words.

However, content marketing heeds lasting results with optimized content for a good user experience.

Optimizing Content

Web optimization of pages has become very complex. SEO tactics include seeing search queries and understanding the impressions to click ratio. This has a formula called click through rate or CTR. This information is found in Google search console.

This information helps to optimize content by finding nuggets of information.

People use search queries to find what they are looking for, your site may appear in the result. This is called an impression. If they take an action and visit your website from seeing your impression – this is called a click.

Ranking factors will improve when your content is optimized.

Benefits of becoming an SEO expert

SEO is considered one of the toughest and rewarding marketing disciplines, combining data analysis, content marketing, and technical skill.

SEO is essential for most marketing campaigns.

Premazon SEO Services

Premazon, Inc. has been optimizing websites since 2006. SEO agencies run by a woman were very rare. Our team is lead by our founder Ann Premazon who had the pleasure to learn SEO from Bruce Clay, Nick Guastella, and Dori Friend.

Today our agency has specialized SEO skills in behavioral health, drug rehab marketing, celebrity blogs, doctors and clinicians. Brick and mortar business is where we excel.

Our team of SEO experts go the extra mile. Being an SEO company with clientele throughout the United States, we are well versed in moving the needle and getting results.
