Making Google + Work for You

google plusGoogle has opened up a “Secret Social Layer” that has turned the entire Google search engine into one big social network. It is called Google + or Google Plus… I’m still not sure about the logical way to type it out. Many critics have said Google has copied Facebook but in reality, this is not the case. The best way to describe how Google+ is different from Facebook relates to two words: SEARCH ENGINE. Google+ brings the world of social media and search engines together. (Think of them as new best friends). Have you been noticing the new social search features?

Impact of Google Plus on Search Results

Take a look at search results the next time your signed into Google. Google will now give you an option to show you personal results from people in your circles.

social search impact from google plus

As well as show People and Pages in Google Plus related to simple search terms.

People and Pages from Google Plus showing in search results

Keep this in mind as you move forward with your web strategies. Google + isn’t going anywhere and cannot be ignored. In order to compete in your niche, you need to at least have a presence. here are some tips to help you out.

10 Tips to Getting Started on Google +

We originally referred to Google + as a “Secret Social Media Layer” because only a select few received invites initially. The “chosen ones” who did receive an invite had a limited amount of free invites to pass out to friends and families. This was only done during its Beta stage and Google has since opened to everyone. Along with your personal profile, you can now create brand pages. (very similar to facebook in this respect)

So are you ready to dig into Google +? If you are, here is a quick cheat sheet to navigate you through this new social media platform:

  1. Create solid and interesting information for your profile Pop-Up Window.
  2. Organize your Circles (contacts sorted by grouping) by:
    • Real-life Social Connections
      • Family
      • College Friends
      • Work Friends
    • You decide which circle to share announcements, articles or information with
    • Customize your personal profile for your Circles
      • Employment history, education, specializations would be shared with employees or alumni circle.
      • Relationship status, contact information and location would be shared with friends.
  3. Click on the profile pictures to scroll through.
  4. You can disable sharing your posts with one person or as many people you want.
  5. Easy features to find the URL to paste and share
  6. Expanding your Share Box to share videos and content
  7. You can choose who sees the people in your circles
  8. If you have an important post, you send out a notification to all the people in your circles.
  9. Add special effects to your photos in Google+
  10. Are you an Android or iOS User – make sure to check out Google + App (I have links to the apps for Android and iOS on our Social Apps post)

Our Google + Cheat Cheat PDF can be found here:

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: download” icon_color=”#fbd910″]Download the Google + Cheat Sheet PDF[/su_icon_text]

Other Resources to Use:

Check out these YouTube Videos talking about the social networking scene on Google +. I found these to be the most entertaining as well as informative.

Google + Videos

[su_youtube_advanced url=”” controls=”alt” showinfo=”no” modestbranding=”yes”]

[su_youtube_advanced url=”” controls=”alt” showinfo=”no” modestbranding=”yes”]

Google + Cheat Sheets

Simple but very useful cheat sheets explaining Google + and the use of Hot Keys:

Google Plus Cheat Sheet 1

Google Plus Cheat Sheet 2


I want to point out that I found these cheat sheets were created by Simon Laustsen and posted on buzzfeed there’s also a great article about Google + at IGN that has even more tricks like importing your facebook photos, direct messaging, formatting text, muting, creating short urls, drag and drop sharing, and even deletitng your profile.


Here is a great Google + Infographic I found via Website Monitoring:

Google Plus Infographic

Well, I set out to make sure you guys had a wealth of information reguarding Google Plus and I think we’ve succeeded. Comment below to share your own tips for Google Plus or post your profiles.
